Established 1914
The members of the Auxiliary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars live by the motto, “Honor the dead by helping the living.” They set out to serve the veterans of this country and our communities as a testament to the sacrifices and commitment of every man and woman who has served in uniform.
Let your voices be heard on Capitol Hill.
Let your hands serve those in need.
Let your hearts be filled with hope for your community.
For more information on joining contact
email: [email protected]
President Carl Canfield
Sr-Vice President Patricia Davis
Jr-Vice-President Karen Krasovetz
Treasurer Lillian Knott
Secretary(Appointed) Renae Dunnet
Chaplain Kathleen Fleig
Conductress Margaret Saunders
Patriotic Instructor Barbara Stoll
Guard Barbara Stoll
Trustee (3) year Patricia Davis
Trustee (2) year Harriet Wolcott
Trustee (1) year Kathleen Fleig
For more information on the Auxiliary Organization please visit: